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Partnership Announced
Best Training School and NORMI Partner with Infraspection Institute for Member Training. Read More
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Radio Commercial is released.
Continuing Education Units
Best Training School is now offering accredited CEU credits for the States of Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and more!
Customized Training
Best Training School will tailor our classes to fit your requirements by offering the credibility, credentials, and training your company needs.

 Specialized Training
Specialized Training where the curriculum is customized for your individual staff, business, association, or organization is available through by request.

We are able to tailor our classes to fit your requirements by offering the credibility, credentials, and training your company needs.
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A portion of our proceeds support Special Olympics of Louisiana

 CEE - NORMI™ Certified Environmental Educator

The NORMI™ Certified Environmental Educator is a trained professional who has been educated in the areas of Indoor Air Quality and Water Purification. The CEE is educated in the major categories of indoor air pollutants and drinking water pollutants and understands the various technologies available to solve each. The CEE is trained to take a global environmental approach to evaluating indoor pollutants and is skilled in offering solutions to real problems, not just symptoms. He understands his limitations and is not able to offer the more advanced solutions of a NORMI™ Certified CIEA but he is able to offer incremental solutions toward the ultimate solution to the following problems:

Indoor Air Quality-Indoor air contaminants are separated into FOUR major categories of pollutants-particulates, odors, gases, and biological contaminants. This level of training enables the CEE to identify the present levels of these pollutants in indoor environments and evaluate their effect on the occupants. The CEE is then trained on the technologies that are available to address each of these pollutants. The market is currently flooded with air products that claim to address these pollutants but each of these products uses one or more of the following technological processes and these processes are discussed as to their effectiveness and limitations-filtration, ionization, ozonation, ultra-violet, photo catalytic and radiant catalytic processes.

Drinking Water Pollution-Water quality is under great scrutiny as municipalities scramble to find new ways of purifying raw water. The pollutants in drinking water are generally categorized into THREE major classifications-particulates, chemicals, and biologicals. The introduction of the chlorine in the early 1900s produced an entire class of by-products known as tri-halomethanes, many of which are carcinogenic. Biological contaminants are becoming more hearty and prolific and the EPA standards for chemicals address only a few of the thousands of chemicals currently present in finished drinking water. Hormones, nicotine, anti-biotics and other unwanted contaminants are adding to the problem of finding good quality drinking water. There are many water products on the market that attempt to address these concerns. The CEE is trained to understand the benefits and limitations of those technologies and processes. The processes under discussion include filtration, distillation, bottled water options, reverse osmosis, ultra-violet, and ozonation.

In each of these areas, the problem is identified and the solutions evaluated. The CEE is more knowledgeable about indoor air quality and water purification than most salesman who promote some specific product. The CEE is a trained professional driven by his desire to help people with the truth about solutions that truly work.

CEE Class Curriculum

Certified Environmental Educator Training Class

This class is designed for a single day and will be offered *ONSITE, ONLINE, and OFFSITE for the purpose of educating industry professionals in the three major areas of Indoor Air Quality, Drinking Water, and Various Environmental Issues related to indoor environments.

This solution-based training with offer "product neutral" solutions to each of the problems as they are introduced with an overall approach that includes Air Purification, Surface Protection, and Lifestyle Changes.

I Intro
   B. Personal
   C. Preview of training
   D. Obstacles

II. NORMI - Healthier Home
   A. The Air We Breathe
          1. Today's Health Hazards
          2. What's in your air?
          3. Causes of allergies and asthma
          4. Our homes and offices are making us sick
          5. Holistic Solutions
          6. Preparing an IAQ Profile for your Client
   B. The Water We Drink
          1. Brief history of municipal water
          2. What's in your water
          3. Solution Locations
          4. Technology for water treatment
          5. Laundry care and household cleaners
   C. The Way We Live
          1. Pool
          2. Cleaning Solvents
          3. Remodeling and new construction
          4. Yard care and pest control
          5. Bedding- mattresses and mattress liners
          6. Cooking in the Kitchen- pots and pans

III. Marketing Your Business

IV. Conclusion

*Onsite, Online, and Offsite defined:

ONSITE-This eight hour class includes instruction in a variety of methods including Internet, Lecture, Video, and Hands-on training.

ONLINE-The class will be broken into six modules to be taken separately utilizing password protected environments that require periodic quizzes to receive subsequent passwords, an online quiz at the end to evidence proficiency and understanding.

OFFSITE-This "self-study" course would include DVD, CD, and study manual. Once the course is completed, a proctored online quiz would be taken to evidence proficiency and understanding.

This class is a 5.5 hour class, packed with information and resources for understanding the IAQ and Water Purification industry. For the price of the class, the student receives the following benefits:

  • NORMI™ CEE Frameable Certificate
  • FREE Website Listing at
  • FREE Resources for Operating Your Business
  • FREE Packet of Materials

* NON-Members receive these extra benefits

Class Price is: $549.00

NOTE: Access to IAQ/H2O sampling tools such as Air Sampling Kits and Water Sampling Kits will be discussed and some of these may be available to view at the scheduled CEE training.

Better Internet Bureau AIA Miami Dade County Florida State of Florida State of Louisiana The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors State of Mississippi PhiladelphiaCHE Hammond Chamber of Commerce
NORMI - National Organization of Remediators and Mold InspectorsNational Association of Home BuildersLouisiana State Board of Home InspectorsInsurance Office of AmericaInfraspection InstituteHomeAdvisor