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 Courses and Schedules
 Onsite Courses

3/18-19 Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL CEFL01 $549.00
4/15-16 New Orleans, LA CEFL01 $549.00
5/13-14 Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL CEFL01 $549.00

 Online Courses
3/14/25 Proctored Online Class CEFL04 $40.00
3/18-19 LIVE Online Simulcast CEFL01 $549.00
3/28/25 Proctored Online Class CEFL11 $20.00
4/15-16 LIVE Online Simulcast CEFL01 $549.00
5/13-14 LIVE Online Simulcast CEFL01 $549.00

 Home Study Course

 This Class May Qualify for:
NORMI US Department of Veterans Affairs
State of Louisiana State of Florida

Partnership Announced
Best Training School and NORMI Partner with Infraspection Institute for Member Training. Read More
On The Air
Radio Commercial is released.
Continuing Education Units
Best Training School is now offering accredited CEU credits for the States of Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and more!
Customized Training
Best Training School will tailor our classes to fit your requirements by offering the credibility, credentials, and training your company needs.

 Specialized Training
Specialized Training where the curriculum is customized for your individual staff, business, association, or organization is available through by request.

We are able to tailor our classes to fit your requirements by offering the credibility, credentials, and training your company needs.
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Live Support

A portion of our proceeds support Special Olympics of Louisiana

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 CEU - Continuing Education Courses

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 ACAC RC (Recertification Credits)


The American Council of Accredited Certifications requires 40 CEU credits every two years as a requirement for recertification. Approved classes for CEU recertification are marked on the specific course landing page and Best Training School offers CEU credit at NO CHARGE to subscribers of Best Training School. By purchasing the BTS subscription, FREE training is offered each week through the BTS Training Room. To subscribe, CLICK HERE


 American Institute of Architects CEUs


The American Institute of Architects has approved courses offered by BTS and NORMI for CEU credit toward their certification. This program is provided as a "Lunch 'n Learn" covering specific topics, most popular of which is IAQ (Indoor Air Quality). To schedule a course near you, please contact NORMI directly at 877.251.2296 and ask about the FREE AIA "Lunch 'n Learn" offer.


 State of Louisiana Contractors Board

State of Louisiana Contractors Board

The State of Louisiana has approved multiple courses for CEU credit toward contractor licensing. Courses that qualify are marked with the State of Louisiana seal on the applicable course landing page in the block entitled "This Class May Qualify For".


 EPA RRP Renewal

EPA RRP Renewal

NORMI, in conjunction with Best Training School, is an approved training provider for the EPA RRP (Renovation, Repair and Painting) certification for contractors who work on pre-1978 homes. The rule requires that contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint provide to owners and occupants of child card facilities and to parents and guardians of children under age six that attend child care facilities the lead hazard information pamphlet. The rule affects paid renovators and requires specific training with a certification renewal every five (5) years.


 Specialty Courses Designed for CEU

Specialty Courses Designed for CEU

Best Training School has a staff of curriculum writers and trainers who are capable of writing and delivering specific training to suit your continuing education needs. In many cases these courses can be developed and approved by the necessary agencies on whom you rely for certification and/or licensing. If you have an interest in developing courses specifically designed to meet the needs of your business model and/or employees, please contact Best Training School at 888.856.4803 with your request.

Better Internet Bureau AIA Miami Dade County Florida State of Florida State of Louisiana The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors State of Mississippi PhiladelphiaCHE Hammond Chamber of Commerce
NORMI - National Organization of Remediators and Mold InspectorsNational Association of Home BuildersLouisiana State Board of Home InspectorsInsurance Office of AmericaInfraspection InstituteHomeAdvisor